Warwick Area Flooding Review  

The City of Woodstock is investigating new, cost-effective and minimally disruptive ways to prevent flooding in the Warwick neighbourhood through a review of the Norwich and Warwick Area Flooding Study Class Environmental Assessment. 

What is the Norwich and Warwick Area Flooding Study Class Environmental Assessment?

The Norwich and Warwick Area Flooding Study Class Environmental Assessment was completed in July 2012 to address flooding of basements, yards, and local streets in the area. The environmental assessment reviewed the cause of the flooding and evaluated potential solutions. 

Flooding in the Warwick area included severe surface ponding in the low-lying intersection of Warwick Street and Cambridge Street, ponding at the Warwick Street and Belgrave Street intersection, and basement and backyard flooding in several low-lying areas.  

The recommendations that came out of the environmental assessment included strategically located underground storage facilities and an upgrade of the Hughson Street storm sewer.  

Why are we reviewing the Environmental Assessment?

The City of Woodstock implemented numerous solutions from the environmental assessment, including upgrades to the Hughson Street Storm sewer, construction of the Knightsbridge Park stormwater management facility (a surface dry pond inside of the Fairgrounds track), and the DM Sutherland facility.

Since then, flooding in the area has reduced and the City stopped receiving basement flooding complaints from area residents. 

The remaining stormwater management solution – the Cambridge/Warwick underground stormwater management facility - proceeded to the detailed design phase where the updated cost estimates proved to be much higher than estimated in the initial environmental assessment.   

Due to the success of the management solutions already implemented and the higher-than-expected costs and severe impacts and disruption to local residents caused by construction, the City of Woodstock has asked AECOM to revisit the environmental assessment to investigate new alternative solutions that will be more cost effective and less disruptive to the local residents. 

The study area will be focused around Hughson Street, Warwick Street and Cambridge Street.  

What’s been done so far?

To date, the City’s consultants have completed a stormwater monitoring and hydraulic/hydrologic modelling report. This report suggested that stormwater runoff volume from the watershed is slightly smaller than suggested in the 2012 Environmental Assessment. The consultant has reviewed the results of the modelling and developed alternatives to provide further stormwater relief for the area. These alternatives including the recommended solution from 2012, have been evaluated against a set of Environmental Criteria (Social/Cultural, Technical, Natural Environment, Cost etc.) to ultimately find the preferred alternative solution. The results have been presented in the Public Information Centre Video found here.


The Public Information Centre video is currently available for review. A copy of the presentation without narration is also available for download. Please submit your comments to the project team through the ‘Contact Us’ form or reach out directly via phone or email by January 5, 2023.

What’s Next?

December 2023 — Receive and address comments, Prepare the Addendum Report for review

December 2023 and beyond — If no issues are raised within the 30 day review period and subject to MECP acceptance the City can proceed to completing topographic surveys and design of localized mitigation measures.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Warwick Area Flooding Review Study, please contact: 

Harold de Haan, P. Eng.,

City Engineer, City of Woodstock
Tel: 519-539-2382 x3112
Email: hdehaan@cityofwoodstock.ca

Paul Adams, CPT

Environmental Planner, AECOM
D +1-519-636-6448
Email: paul.adams2@aecom.com

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